The Ugly Truth

We all live a life and face a life of judgement.  It doesn't matter where we go, what we do or even who we are. You can tell yourself all you want that you don't do it and if it helps you sleep at night then great, but the truth still remains the truth no matter what you say or how you look at it because it is our human nature.

It is true what they say, first impressions are everything!  We judge people on how they look, how they act,  sometimes what we have been told about someone instead of getting to know them, and we even judge the ones we love because they behaved in a way we didn't approve.

The problem is we live in a world where many masks are worn.  We have no clue who we are judging or even what that person may be going through or has gone through. Many situations aren't what they seem and many people aren't who they are made out to be.

We make fun of the fat guy at the gym, but at least he is there trying to make an effort. We make fun of the girl that is quiet, but what if she is just too shy to speak? We make fun of the child with glasses; but what if she was born with a birth defect? We make fun of the woman crying; but what if she just lost her husband? The list goes on, daily life happens and we can't stop it.

It is easier to pass judgement than to find out someone isn't who we think they are or that maybe we were lied to by someone we trust, but if we truly wanted to get to know someone we would make that effort.  Maybe speak to them on the street or cast a friendly smile their way.  We would ask them to lunch or just pick up the phone to call them or text them to see how they are, but many aren't interested in the truth.

I am not guilt free.  I have passed judgments on the fat guy even though I am overweight. I have passed judgement on the shy girl and I have even formed my opinions based off something I heard and I am still guilty of these things at times.

One thing my husband always nails in our children is that our actions speak volume, our words have meaning and that is something we all need to remember.

Video Listed:
Don't Laugh At Me by Mark Wills

" Do not judge so that you will not be judged.  For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you."
Matthew 7: 1-2


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