The Path Less Chosen

But prove yourselves obedient to the Message, and do not be mere hearers of it, imposing a delusion upon yourselves.

James 1:22, Weymouth New Testament

I bet you have it made up in your mind and already know by that verse alone what this blog is going to be about...well, good...that makes one of us and I congratulate you on being one step ahead of me.

 I know I've been away for awhile and I promise it's been for a very good reason, but it's still not time to share that journey with any of my fellow readers.  However, when I can you will be one of the first to hear the amazing testimony of what God has helped me overcome these past couple years. A lot of lives opened, mind's changed and lives saved...and of course, nobody but God will get the glory!!!  All I can tell you is that, and believe me when I say this to be true, For the word of God will never fail(Luke 1:37 NLT)

Now...where was I... Yes..not sure, but I definitely know whatever God wants you to read this day will be a real eye opener for you and I alike!!!
So, let's begin...

Most people will never comprehend what God will ask of you.  Sometimes the path will be easy.  Sometimes there will be speed bumps.  Then there are times when you will feel like you will never make it through, but if we are obedient to Him, He will surely bless us for our faithfulness to Him.

Over the past couple year's in this very dark place where I have been I had a choice to make, to love or to hate and that's not an easy choice to make when you are being the one persecuted or blamed.  Yet, as I sit and think...didn't Jesus get crucified for all we have ever done and said to men?  It shouldn't be a hard choice...Yet, I still fight each day to love the people that hurt me.  I struggle with forgiveness and I want to throw up my hands at times and yell I can't do this, but at those very moments that's when God's light always seems to shine in the distance.  Giving me hope and reminding me that I can do all things through Him, renewing my strength so I can continue to endure the test ahead.

Sometimes what God ask of you can lead to a dark place, but the light will within will always be brighter than the darkness you see ahead.  He will remove you from your comfort zone, but if you trust Him, He will always lead to you to greater things.  It won't always feel pretty and you may feel sorrow and pain, but keep trusting Him because He will always give you enough Grace.

In my life the word trust is almost nonexistent.  I haven't had the easiest life, nor have I always chosen the right path.  However, the one thing I know is that choosing to walk with God I have seen a difference on the way I handle each situation.  Even if I don't know the outcome of the circumstances, somehow I know everything is going to be okay. Even through the grief and the pain.

My name is Chastity.   I am not perfect, nor have I claimed to be.  I feel joy, happiness, sadness and pain.  You may not be able to see the scars on my heart, but I feel them each and every day. I bleed the same color and grieve like everyone else... and sometimes, I too, feel guilt and shame.  My dreams have been broken and my heart has been shattered, but one thing will always remain the same, no matter what I'm going through or how my life changes, I will continue to forever sing His praise because He is the one that saves!

I may never understand half the things that have happened or how He could love me the way nobody can, but I look back and see the should've, could've and would've and know now He had a plan.  So, regardless of what has happened or even happens in the future, I will choose the path less chosen.  I will choose to love and forgive because I was shown a love by my Father that never ends.

Today, I'm not sure what decisions you're facing, or even what lies ahead on the path you've chosen to take, but what I know is that if continue to stand for what is just and what is right, without giving up the fight, I know He will show you the way and heal you the same!  Keep looking to Him for guidance and strength! Keep looking to Him to show you the way!  It doesn't matter what it looks like right now...the road may be shaky and you may want to tap out, but don't give in!  Don't give up the fight... because the moment you do, that may have been the door to your breakthrough.  

Continue to choose the path less chosen, God has called you to greatness.  He believes in you and I do too!

When you lose something in your life, stop thinking it's a loss for is a gift you have been given so you can get on the right path to where you are meant to go, not where you think you should have gone.

Suze Orman


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