Consuming Fire
"Anger is like poison, you must purge it from your mind or else it will corrupt your better nature."
Christopher Paolini
Lets face it, we have all been angry at one point or another. Maybe it was something someone said or did. Perhaps it was the driver in front of you or maybe you didn't get something you wanted. Maybe you misplaced something. Or perhaps you got bad news from the doctor. Either way, something in your life happened to make you feel that way in that moment.
Anger is a common emotion and a normal response to certain circumstances. It comes in many forms. In some instances anger is justifiable, in others, not so much. It can shape and form your heart and slowly change who you are.
From my experience, anger is one of the hardest emotions to work through. Have you ever heard the saying "it is easier to be angry than to feel all that pain"? That seems like my life story!
For many years now I have lived with anger. Angry at some of the choices I've made in life. Angry for the way people have treated me. Angry at myself for allowing people to treat me a certain way. The list goes on and on...
Although I could/can hide it pretty well, I was a pretty angry teenager. My heart loved, my heart ached and to stop the pain I lashed out if you rubbed me the wrong way. Nothing stopped the pain I felt inside and through the years it just continue to build.
Even though I have been in a couple of fights, I learned early on to control my anger enough to where I wouldn't lash out physically. The rage I felt and still feel at times can become consuming. However, I've learned to also distance myself from people during those times.
"A fool always loses his temper,
But a wise man holds it back."
Proverbs 29:11 NASB
I have been a fool many times, both back then and still today. I haven't trusted God like I should in this area or allow Him to heal all this pain I feel. I have allowed it to consume me like a raging fire because the one thing I should've been doing I didn't.
"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with malice. Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."
Ephesians 4: 31-32 NASB
That's right!!! I didn't truly forgive or love like I should have. You don't just do it once because the feelings will resurface... It's a daily act! Sometimes it's a constant act!!! Talk about the frustration...
However, forgiveness is the key.... It's the key to peace. It's the key to joy. It's the key to a life filled with happiness.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind." I have been alive 1,122,349,304 seconds.... I have given up a lot peace of mind during that time and I don't know about you, but it's time for that to end.
However, forgiveness is the key.... It's the key to peace. It's the key to joy. It's the key to a life filled with happiness.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind." I have been alive 1,122,349,304 seconds.... I have given up a lot peace of mind during that time and I don't know about you, but it's time for that to end.
You are not hurting the person you are angry at, you are only hurting yourself.... Let me say that again, just in case you are as stubborn as me... You are not hurting the person you are angry at, you are only hurting yourself!!!
The person you aren't forgiving has more than likely moved on with their life! Don't you think it's time you moved on with yours. Allow yourself some peace... Don't allow the bitterness and anger to consume your life. It's time we forgive!
Heavenly Father,
I come before you this day and I lift up my family, friends, and readers to You. I ask that You would remove any bitterness, anger and strife they may have stored in their hearts. Reveal to them, dear Lord, any grudges/unforgiveness they hold in their hearts, so they may lay it down at Your feet.
Guide them Lord to the peace, joy and happiness You have waiting for them. Allow forgiveness and love to flow through their hearts always and when those feelings try to resurface, I pray You give them the strength to lay it at Your feet instead of acting upon it.
In Jesus name I pray,
"As I walked out of the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom,
I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind I'd still be in prison."
Nelson Mandela, after 27 years behind bars
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