
The Broken Road

"We are all broken - that's how the light gets in." Earnest Hemingway Before I begin, I have to admit that this blog has taken a while for me to write and release because I allowed fear back in.  This is apart of my life I've not shared with many, so I was afraid of judgement and what might be held against me, but I feel like I need to take a leap and share my story and why I believe.  If it only helps one, that's okay with me because at least I was obedient and humbled myself to His leading. My first blog was written in 2014, and since I came onto the scene of thing's I only shared brief clips of my life.  Sure, it's easy to say, hey, I'm broken, but that's not what my blog is titled.  My blog says Just Me, The Inside Look.  Inside...hmm... that's the place I like to hide.  For years I've kept things bottled in...and in just a few weeks, I'll be 39.  I don't know about you, but I think that's a long time to keep t...

Stay Encouraged!

I came across this quote today and felt as if I needed to share it.  Stay encouraged through each day and keep your head held high.  Know that the Lord is holding you up, even through your toughest times! Never forget: When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. - Unknown Now go show the world that beautiful smile! #lovewins

Hidden Talent

"Believe in yourself.  You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you can imagine." Roy T. Bennett Growing up I never considered myself talented.  I always admired those who played the violin, or those who could bring a church to tears with a single hymn. There were many things, like any child, that I wanted to be when I grew up, but, naturally, the fear of being good at anything, or even succeeding always took over inside of me. What if I wasn't good enough?  What if I mess up?  What if I say something wrong and offend someone?  What if I try and fail?  The what if game could go on and on and on...and sometimes it's still a struggle for me in every day life.  Even with this blog! I never saw the best of me and the lie of me believing that I would never amount to anything still plays in my head from time to time.  It's something I struggle with on a daily basis.  So, naturally, wh...

Unmasked By Truth

"If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment." Carlos Santana Have you ever stood in the mirror and just saw a reflection, as if there of a stranger looking back at you? While standing there, you try to figure out what exactly happened to you? As the life you once dreamed about slowly fades away.. Yeah....I use to do that too.  You feel broken and battered. A dark cloud over your head seems to linger. Darkness has crept in, and then you realize life happened and you forgot how to live.  You've been beaten down...hit after hit.  Trying to stay above water, but life keeps sinking in. What if I told you that you could live through this storm.  Tread the heavy currents with much peace and joy. You probably think I'm crazy...that maybe I lost my mind...if you knew my family, I'm sure they'd take your side. I've shed my fair share of tears, and feel the heartaches and pain.  I openly confessed my brokenness to you.  Through it all, w...

No Longer A Slave to Fear

Eleanor Roosevelt once said,"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror.  I can take the next thing that comes along.'" The more I think about this short quote, the more I think this statement can be very impacting in one's life.  If we stood up against our fears, instead of backing down...  However, how many of us are willing to see or even stand against the fear we have allowed to impact us?  I know I wasn't....that was until God started dealing with this particular root I had allowed to take control of my life. This is my journey, a small glimpse of my life that I feel led to share with you this day...and as I sit here and think, my mind is a scary place to be. least you can't say you were never warned!  Now, let's carry on. On the surface you may see confidence and charm, but most of my life I have ...

The Path Less Chosen

But prove yourselves obedient to the Message, and do not be mere hearers of it, imposing a delusion upon yourselves. James 1:22, Weymouth New Testament I bet you have it made up in your mind and already know by that verse alone what this blog is going to be about...well, good...that makes one of us and I congratulate you on being one step ahead of me.  I know I've been away for awhile and I promise it's been for a very good reason, but it's still not time to share that journey with any of my fellow readers.  However, when I can you will be one of the first to hear the amazing testimony of what God has helped me overcome these past couple years. A lot of lives opened, mind's changed and lives saved...and of course, nobody but God will get the glory!!!  All I can tell you is that, and believe me when I say this to be true, For the word of God will never fail .  (Luke 1:37 NLT) Now...where was I... Yes..not sure, but I definitely know whate...

Thankful Heart

As I was standing there doing the laundry I started to think how God remains the same and a light began to shine as I stood in the quiet alone, but yet, we are never truly alone, are we? Over the past couple years many things have happened in my life, as well as many changes, like many others out there, I'm sure... Some for the good and some are well...mmm..  nightmares you wish you could wake up from.  Life changes and hits us so fast sometimes we don't even have the time to catch our breath, most become angry and bitter, while others are depressed...when life throws us a curve and flips upside-down it is a natural reaction...I get it and have been in your shoes. Our circumstances, if we allow them, can change us either for the worst or for the better.  We always have a choice.  We can choose love or we can choose hate.  We can live in bitterness and shame or we can forgive.  We can hold on, or we can let go.  Which is what I had to do in...