"And The TRUTH Shall Set You Free"

"Half a truth is often a great lie."

Benjamin Franklin

One of my biggest pet peeves is being lied to, and yet, I've been known to tell even the smallest white lie.  The biggest lie I tell people is that I'm okay.  Knowing full and well I am ready to rip someones head off... It's what I like to call human nature.  It's something we all have done at some point (big or small), even if we didn't know it at the time.  

The fact is, I don't like my personal life and what I am going through to be broadcast across the world, if I did, well Facebook would definitely be the place!  That's why I still can't believe God called me to do a blog...He has such a sense of humor!

It says in I Timothy 2:4:

"God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth."

What really is our truth?  What do we know?  What standards do we live by?  Who are we as individuals?  And the biggest question is, are we ready to die for what we believe in?

"Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

John 14:6

Jesus is my truth, my reality.  I do my best to live a moral and truthful life.  I am not perfect and I do catch myself telling the occasional white lie or partial truth, however, if you ask me a question be prepared for the answer.

Don't let the picture fool you, I am not meek, nor am I shy.  Ask any of my friends and they will tell you I am as bold as they come.  Hmmm....maybe that's why God started me out on a blog format.  ðŸ˜‰

I can humbly and honestly admit that I am not where I need to be yet, but I know the path I have chosen to go down.  I will take up my cross and gladly walk it, even if it cost me everything.  The whole time rejoicing and praising His name along the way.

You are probably wondering how I can do that?  Because I was once was lost, but now I am found (Luke 15:32).  

"So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

John 8: 31-32

Jesus loved us so much that He died for our sins!  I truly feel free, and for once in my life, forgiven.  And today I am hear to tell you that you can live this life too.  All you have to do is except His free gift of salvation and allow Jesus to be the Lord of your life.

Heavenly Father,

I come before you now and thank you for saving my weary soul and for being Lord of my life.  Thank you for freeing my soul and giving me the strength that I need to face every trial that I endure.  I give you all praise, honor and glory.

I ask now Father that you would bless everybody reading this blog today, for we know it wasn't by accident that they ended up here.  Move through their lives, guide them and bless them richly with Your love and grace.  

I also ask Father that if any of them don't know You, or have walked away from Your word that through this they will find You again.

I love You Lord and I thank You for loving us, even if we have ever felt unworthy.  Thank You for everything.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Before I close out this blog today I am not leaving a verse or a fancy quote.  Today, I am leaving you with a beautiful worship song one of my sisters in Christ shared on Facebook and I am inviting you to know to except Jesus in your heart as your personal Lord and Savior.  If you don't know Him or you have backslidden, please take this opportunity so that you to will be free.  He loves you and died for you!  It doesn't matter where your path is heading or what you did.  Allow Him to take the lead!

Heavenly Father,

Today I confess with my mouth boldly that I am a sinner who has come to realize that I can't do this alone.  I now see that Your mercy and grace is more than sufficient for me.  I truly believe with all my heart and thank you for loving me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for my sins.  Save this soul and change this heart of mine.  Guide my steps always.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

I Am Set Free by All Sons and Daughters:


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