The Change Within

When was the last time any of you really evaluated your life?  How you live?  What you do each and every moment?  Every decision that you are making?  How you look at the world?  How you view others and the way they live their life?

Lately, I've had nothing but time to think about a lot of this and many thing's that were once in the dark have come to light with how I personally view those exact questions.  

I never thought of myself as being a judgemental person and I surely never would think I am better than anyone else!  And you might be the same way, however, take a look at yourself... Really look inside!

I did and honestly, I didn't like what I saw....

This is something I always knew, but revelation kinda hit me in the face to remind me again...when you force your opinion about how you think someone should live or what someone should be doing, you are judging that person!  If you talk about someone's weight behind their back and or are overly opinionated about what they choose to put in their bodies, you are not only judging that person, but you are now gossiping too!  

It's not the big thing's that annoy us with what others do,  it's the thing's we let eat away at our hearts little by little.  It's the little lies we keep telling ourselves that harden our heart and bring us to a point of resentment, unforgiveness and bitterness!

Today, look at your own heart, evaluate your own life and start the change from within...focus on the type of person you want to be and the example you want to lead by.  After all, you can't change other people, you can only change yourself and how you choose to respond!  

I love you all!

Change This Heart by Sidewalk Prophets:

How can you think of saying to your friend, "Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye," when you have a log in your own?  Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see  well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.

Matthew 7:4-5 NLT


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