
Showing posts from July, 2014

Humble Beginnings

"By seeing the seed of failure in every success, we remain humble.  By seeing the seed of failure in every success we remain hopeful." Unknown It has been quite the week for me.  Full of revelations and truths.  Whether good or bad, painful of joyful.  Needless to say it's been emotional, yet exhausting, but also very humbling. Humble is normally not a word I would ever use to describe myself, in fact I've always told people, " I am anything but humble."  So, when God approached me on this topic, I was a little apprehensive and not sure what to write. Then I had an idea!  I started thinking...Yes, I know we covered this a couple blogs before, but it didn't stop me... The light bulb went on! I wanted to know what other thought, even though I was still confused.  I mean how am I suppose to speak on a topic I know nothing about!  So, as I presented the topic on my Facebook page on what they thought being humble meant, I spo...

Consuming Fire

"Anger is like poison, you must purge it from your mind or else it will corrupt your better nature." Christopher Paolini Lets face it, we have all been angry at one point or another.  Maybe it was something someone said or did.  Perhaps it was the driver in front of you or maybe you didn't get something you wanted.  Maybe you misplaced something.  Or perhaps you got bad news from the doctor.  Either way, something in your life happened to make you feel that way in that moment.   Anger is a common emotion and a normal response to certain circumstances.  It comes in many forms.   In some instances anger is justifiable, in others, not so much. It can shape and form your heart and slowly change who you are. From my experience, anger is one of the hardest emotions to work through.  Have you ever heard the saying "it is easier to be angry than to feel all that pain"? That seems like my life story! For many years now I ha...

I Am Not Perfect, I'm Human...

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Romans 3:23 We all face challenges in life.  Whether it is financial, issues in our marriage, family life, or something else.  God is always allowing our faith to be tested. However, when faced with such trials sometimes we become stubborn.  We think we can fix our problems and we refuse to lay them down and allow God to move. This is my confession.  For it says in James 5:16 : "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed.  The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." If you know/knew me, you would know that I have what I call "a double dose of stubbornness" inside me.  I was raised to be very independent and I can be strong-willed. Growing up, I faced many challenges in my life and because of the various trials, looking back, I was built to endure. (James 1:2-3) I didn't always know God, but fo...