
Showing posts from November, 2014

Blind Trust

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." Corrie ten Boom Looking back on my younger years, I am not sure that I feared much of anything...well, except heights.  I was, if you can believe it or not, more bold than I am now.  In fact, one of my closest friends recently told me that I scared her the most out of all her friends because if I had my mind set on doing something, I'd do it and then go back to her later and tell her what I did.  Of course, for the sole purpose of not being talked out of what I was about to do...yes I was rebellious as ever!  However, that is a story for another time. ;) Many people saw me different than what I saw within myself.  When they looked at me they saw this bold, outspoken, strong-willed person with a huge heart, but on the inside I carried many scars. I loved many, but was hurt deeply by the ones I held closest to my heart, repeatedly.  (If any of you have read The Loneliest Heart, ...

"And The TRUTH Shall Set You Free"

"Half a truth is often a great lie." Benjamin Franklin One of my biggest pet peeves is being lied to, and yet, I've been known to tell even the smallest white lie.  The biggest lie I tell people is that I'm okay.  Knowing full and well I am ready to rip someones head off... It's what I like to call human nature.  It's something we all have done at some point (big or small), even if we didn't know it at the time.   The fact is, I don't like my personal life and what I am going through to be broadcast across the world, if I did, well Facebook would definitely be the place!  That's why I still can't believe God called me to do a blog...He has such a sense of humor! It says in I Timothy 2:4: "God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth." What really is our truth?  What do we know?  What standards do we live by?  Who are we as individuals?  And the bigg...