
Showing posts from May, 2015

The Unforgiving Heart

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you."   Lewis B. Smedes       At one point or another we have all been hurt.  It's simply inevitable.  For some it can be mild, for others, life changing.  If you don't work past the hurt it can consume your life like an uncontrollable fire.  Eventually, it will turn into hate, and if you allow it to go further, bitterness.   For most of my childhood instead of coping with the heartache and pain, I just simply went through life building up and unbreakable wall.  I didn't and still don't allow many in because I am afraid to trust anyone because I don't want to feel anymore heartache and pain.    For years it ate at me and without knowing it I allowed all that pain to turn into anger.  During my divorce, all that hurt turned into hate and I wanted to prove to the people who never believed in me and always hurt me that they could ne...