Unmasked By Truth

"If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment." Carlos Santana Have you ever stood in the mirror and just saw a reflection, as if there of a stranger looking back at you? While standing there, you try to figure out what exactly happened to you? As the life you once dreamed about slowly fades away.. Yeah....I use to do that too. You feel broken and battered. A dark cloud over your head seems to linger. Darkness has crept in, and then you realize life happened and you forgot how to live. You've been beaten down...hit after hit. Trying to stay above water, but life keeps sinking in. What if I told you that you could live through this storm. Tread the heavy currents with much peace and joy. You probably think I'm crazy...that maybe I lost my mind...if you knew my family, I'm sure they'd take your side. I've shed my fair share of tears, and feel the heartaches and pain. I openly confessed my brokenness to you. Through it all, w...